Remember what you HAD !
I recently realized how precious life really is. Your life can be taken in the matter of seconds and most people do not realize that. It really bothers me how some people take life as a joke. This past weekend my boyfriend was in a very bad car accident he fractured his knee even worse than it was already fractured he had an concussion and could barely walk after that terrible incident the next night he decided to go out rather than staying in bed in letting himself heal. when he went out with his friends that night they went to a nightclub and since this night his life will never be the same. in the night club him and his friends got into an altercation with some other men in the nightclub which lead to him and the others getting jumped very badly. he know wont be able to walk for up to 6 months and he is not even guaranteed that he will be able to walk then. he has bruises everywhere on his body both of his eyes are black his knee is even worse. from this it made us both realize that life is nothing to play. because of this we don't know if he will be able to finish his college basketball career. he took life for a joke and he is now dealing with the consequences of not being able to do the thing he loves most basketball !
Life is very precious and sometimes taken for granted. It sometimes takes us to go through certain situations to realize this however, we can learn from those experiences and grow! I absolutely love the quote you added. :) Hope for a speedy recovery and a good outcome!!! Stay strong you both will make it through this experience.