Sunday, December 8, 2013
Statesmen First Lost
On December 4th us statesmen played Pittman Community College in our home gymnasium, in the first quarter we were filed by Roman Trass and our forward player Tayvon Mealy made the first 2 points as free throws from our file. We were up the first half of the game with 49-37 and we slowly let Pittman come up and ended the game with 86-87. Sadly this was our first lost of the season and it males it worse that we lost only by one point. There were a lot of mistakes made this game and I feel this is the reason we didn't get the win this time. I attended this game as an out of class event.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Out of class event: Basketball Tournament
I attended the basketball tournament last weekend. The tournament was very interesting and all the teams did a great job. This was the first year ever for this tournament , and I was very surprised with the outcome of people that showed up; our gymnasium was packed. I remember one of the teams were from Maryland and they were pretty good, they were very good with their 3-point shots. In the end the final game was very close ; but us statesmen took the win in the end and won the tournament. I am very intense basketball fan so It was getting very intense for me during the game when the refs kept calling false calls, but we won in the end so nothing else really matters. I'm looking forward to attending the next basketball game, I had a ball.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Thanksgiving Break
I'm loving my thanksgiving break, although there has been a lot of sadness going on from my uncle passing away. I feel like his death made us all come a little closer around these holidays. Usually I'm not looking forward to the holidays because there is a lot of fussing and fighting going on when all the family is together. This year I'm highly surprised and grateful that its and calm and peaceful, it really sucks it took to bring us here but I'm just glad its like this.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Juriah Ski
my niece came to visit me at home today, this really made my day. I rarely ever see her so i was overly excited, and she was more than happy to see me. I almost cried she was jumping up and down and screaming when she first saw me, she instantly ran to me for me to pick her up. She's only 2 and she knows how to talk very well, so she had soo much to tell me, although it all didn't make sense It felt great hearing her say words. When it was time for her to go she cried and screamed , she told her mom she didn't want to leave her auntie, and she asked if she could stay with me, this really made me feel warm inside knowing she missed me as much as I missed her. When it was time for her to actually go she made me walk her to the car and and put her in her car seat and she told me she loved me and I better be home soon, those weren't her exact words but that's basically what she meant. She stays in a whole nother state so its really hard for me to see her.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Pissed Christ
Me being a Christian , I feel as if a cross is a very religious figure; but some people that I know truly hate the term religion. My friend explained to me that he doesn't believe in any religion at all, he doesn't think the is any type of holy figure, so he praises to no one. As a child he was forced into church by his parents , so when he got old enough to make his own decisions he opted not to attend church. He would always questions where God came from and how this religious stuff came about, so the more he researched it the less he believed. Now knowing the picture is called Pissed Christ, it made me think even more of how my friend feels.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
The Adopted Child
As a child I was considered a father-less child, my birth-father passed away when I was 1 years old. So since I was 1 till about 3 my mother was the mother and father in my life. At this point in life I'm the only child. At the age of 3 my mother met my stepfather and eventually married and had kids by him. He took me in like I was his own , and didn't treat me any different than his other children. Soon he and my mother decided that it would be a great idea for him to adopt me, then I would officially be considered his child. I was only 8 at the time but this was the greatest feeling ever , knowing that I actually had a father knowing he technically wasn't. Back then it really didn't make sense to me , I knew what was going on but I really couldn't make sense of it all. As the years went by I understood it even more and I will forever love my stepfather being a father to me. Without a father figure like him in my life steering me down the right path, I would not have made it this far and I damn sure wouldn't have made it to college. So I always let him know how thankful and appreciative I am of him. I can sort of relate to children that are considered father-less, I'm just fortunate I had someone to step up to the plate and be a father figure in my life.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
My fall break events:
- Sleep
- BOO-LOVE with my bed
I guess we can say I had a very eventful break, it ok for me to say that I missed my bed very much so. Me and my bed have the best relationship we cuddle every night. LOL ! (i hope everyone else break was as good 1as mine!)
SoS !!
I really don't know what to right about in my second paper. Were supposed to take the issue from our first paper and provide a "deeper meaning" or a "lesson learned" from it. In my first paper I wrote about me cursing as a child and how I really couldn't help it because my father constantly used these words around me. I discussed how this went on for years and years and it got harder for me to control the words from leaving my lips. I then explained how I got it under control with a book my grandmother gave me that dramatically helped with my issue. I'm blind to how I can further this topic and make it argumentative also.
Ill take any suggestions anyone may have?

Monday, September 30, 2013
Remember what you HAD !
I recently realized how precious life really is. Your life can be taken in the matter of seconds and most people do not realize that. It really bothers me how some people take life as a joke. This past weekend my boyfriend was in a very bad car accident he fractured his knee even worse than it was already fractured he had an concussion and could barely walk after that terrible incident the next night he decided to go out rather than staying in bed in letting himself heal. when he went out with his friends that night they went to a nightclub and since this night his life will never be the same. in the night club him and his friends got into an altercation with some other men in the nightclub which lead to him and the others getting jumped very badly. he know wont be able to walk for up to 6 months and he is not even guaranteed that he will be able to walk then. he has bruises everywhere on his body both of his eyes are black his knee is even worse. from this it made us both realize that life is nothing to play. because of this we don't know if he will be able to finish his college basketball career. he took life for a joke and he is now dealing with the consequences of not being able to do the thing he loves most basketball !

Friday, September 20, 2013
The Long Lost Apostrophe
Those poor, lost, lonely apostrophes:

You see them everywhere, looking for love in all the wrong places. Nearly every day, I see another apostrophe being abused or misused, far from where it belongs.They mean very different things. You can't put question marks where exclamation points go, or vice versa. Punctuation helps us make sense. Yet many people use apostrophes where they don't belong, and forget them where they DO belong. English is confusing enough without random apostrophes wandering around! Just like exclamation points and question marks, apostrophes change the meaning of a sentence, depending on where they are used.

You see them everywhere, looking for love in all the wrong places. Nearly every day, I see another apostrophe being abused or misused, far from where it belongs.They mean very different things. You can't put question marks where exclamation points go, or vice versa. Punctuation helps us make sense. Yet many people use apostrophes where they don't belong, and forget them where they DO belong. English is confusing enough without random apostrophes wandering around! Just like exclamation points and question marks, apostrophes change the meaning of a sentence, depending on where they are used.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Broken English
After reading the passage Mother Tongue by Amy Tan; I feel as if I can truly relate to her in some ways. I spent most of my life with my grandmother she practically raised me. People classified her as having "broken" English as people did to Amy's mother; although they were a totally different nationality, my grandmother never finished school so she doesn't know all the rules of the English world. She will say things like "turn on the zinc , and wash them dern dishes", however when I correct she always tells me she loves the way she talks and I should stop trying to correct her. I just hate when she talks likes this in public and others stare and laugh at her, I'm not embarrassed by it at all, i just feel like everyone judges her because she doesn't speak the correct way. To this day I'm still learning to deal with and accept that , that is just how she speaks.
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